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Plush Flower Gifts

A beautiful plush makes a great companion for a floral gift. Whether it’s to congratulate new parents on the arrival of a baby, a birthday or anniversary or an event like Valentine’s Day, you can’t go wrong with an adorable plush to convey your feelings. Celebrate someone special with a lovely floral and plush gift from Blooms LA. Browse our Plush Collection to find the right one for the occasion. Paired with an elegant and stunning floral arrangement, a plush toy is a fun and affectionate way to show someone how special they are.

Same day flower delivery Toronto – Toronto flowers gifts

Plush Flower Gifts Delivered To Los Angeles

Plush Flower Gifts For Moms: Our Mother’s Day plush flower gifts are the perfect way to let your mom know how much you love and appreciate her!

Plush Flower Gifts For Valentine’s Day: Show that special someone how much you care with a beautiful plush flower gift. When combined with one of our beautiful floral arrangement, a plush toy is the perfect companion.

Plush Flower Gifts For New Parents: Welcome a little bundle of joy with a plush flower gift. No matter the gender (or if you want to keep it gender-neutral), we’ve got a wide array of lovely floral arrangements including an adorably cuddly toy for the new baby.

Plush Flower Gifts Just Because: Let someone know how special they are with a plush floral gift. No matter the occasion – or just because – you can show your affection with a combination of lush and gorgeous flowers and a cute plush toy.
Same day flower delivery Toronto – Toronto flowers gifts