Loving You Red Rose Basket

  • Express your love and appreciation with the Loving You Red Rose Basket. This exquisite floral arrangement, adorned with a bounty of stunning red roses, is a heartfelt way to convey your emotions. Whether it's a gesture for the love of your life, a special occasion for Mom, or a thoughtful pick-me-up for a friend, this basket makes a striking centerpiece. Add a personal touch by customizing the gift with items such as wine, chocolate, champagne, liquor, or other gourmet delights from our selection of add-ons. Make every moment memorable with this beautiful and meaningful gift.

  • This arrangement includes red roses, baby’s breath, and greens in a dark wicker basket. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.

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